Holly Martin


For over 15 years, professional photographer Holly Martin has masterfully been capturing the joy of people candidly living and moving amidst their environment.

“Personally, I love to observe the flow and movement in a whirlwind of connections and subtle moments between friends and family. Capturing a subtle smile, soft touch or twinkle in an interaction between two people is such a rewarding experience.”

Her ability to naturally capture the colours and details that make the world rich and wonderfully warm, ensure her clients have images they will cherish for years to come.

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Having graduated in Canada from Fanshawe College’s Commercial Photography program in 2002; Holly spent the following years immersing herself in the study of light, form and nature and learning the craft of documentary style photography.

Her work has been showcased and sold in Banff National Park, at Baker Creek Chalets. It was also featured in a solo exhibit in Greenhead, Western Australia and now is on display in the Royal Perth Hospital, Burns Wing. She has lived remotely in both Canada and Western Australia and has a keen personal passion for documenting nature.

“When I was a young, my days were spent reading and observing the photography in National Geographic magazines. This pastime sparked the journalistic imagery seed and led to my pursuit of photography as a skillset. It also helped me discover several new species of spider here in Western Australia.

Her work has been published in a number of publications across Western Australia and New Zealand including: Business News, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA’s REP’s Magazine, Stuff.co.nz, Essential Baby, The Quokka, The Mid West Times, Conservation Council of Western Australia (and more).

“Capturing beauty, love and candour between people (and even animals) has been the best part of being a professional photographer. Without question it motivates me each time I pick up my gear.”

48 thoughts on “Holly Martin

  1. Hi Holly and Mike,
    The photo of little Lena on “Australia” took me here to your site!
    I really enjoyed to read about your “new” life in Australia.
    I feel very sorry for you that Lena passed away, such a lovely little animal. I swept a tear away when i was reading the story about her, but when i saw the “sprinting Lena” it makes me laugh again!
    You did your best to make her life as best as it can be! Lena will always be a part of you in your memories for sure.
    I wish all the best for you.
    Regards, Hélène Langerak (The Netherlands-Europe)


    • Thank you so much for the kind words Helen. It means a lot that she could touch you all the way over in The Netherlands, just like she touched us here. Have you been to Australia?


  2. Hi
    Yes, we have been there for the first time in 2008 (march-may) and really loved it!. It was so interesting for us, the unspoiled nature, the natural creatures, the underwater world, Aboriginal culture… everything was so beautiful! We saw a lot in the weeks we have been there, but most of all we liked the rough, quiet and vast W.A. and N.T. We travelled in big lines from: Perth (Cervantes-Kalbarri-Denham-Coral Bay- Karijini) Broome-Katherine-Kakadu N.P.- Alice Springs(Ayers Rock)- Kings Canyon-Simpson Desert- Arkaroola- Flinders Ranges-Victor Harbour- Grampians N.P.- Great Ocean Road- Great Alpine Road-Blue Mountains- Sydney. Mac Kay- Lady Elliot island (Great Barrier Reef).
    We want to come back for sure, the plans are there for 2014! What did you attract the most in Australia to choose to go live there? Have you allready been travelling through Australia? Did i understand it well that you help insured and orphaned animals ? Good job, good job…go on!! It maked me sad when i saw all the dead animals beside the road, couldn’t anyone help them? In Tom Price we visited a one-man operated farm, where only animals live who are road victims or orphan Joey’s, we took al lot of food with us for them. It makes me happy that those people are still there!!
    I didn’t read allready all of your blogs, but i like to. As far as i can see, you love nature, animals en Photograph? Are you a professional photographer? Hope you can understand my writing english a littlebit, sometimes i don’t know exactly how to say something, haha. Nice that you left a comment, thanks. And have a nice weekend, Bye!


    • Hello Hellen,

      Yes I am a professional photographer…though I don’t shoot as often as I probably should be! I have been getting some amazing opportunities to photograph the flora and fauna here in Western Australia.

      You must have loved your time in Australia. You have seen so much of it!

      I have grandparents living in Australia, so it was easy for me to make the choice to come back, not to mention Mike can work and live here easily as well. We’re not here permanently yet, but hopefully we can stay long term! We love the country life.

      Do you take photographs in the Netherlands?
      I would love to see some!

      🙂 Hope your weekend well great!


      • Hi Holly.
        For sure you’ll love the countrylife of Australia, your are doing well.
        Is it easy to get a “permit” to be an Australian citizen for life? The living in Australia can be hard, but normally everything is so quite and easy going on…should be everywhere like there!
        Nice that you have your grandparents in Australia, did they, in the time, move to Australia or has your father or mother moved to Canada?
        We’ve visited New Zealand, should also be nice to live only a bit colder and lot of sandflies instead of the flies you now have. The flies can be nasty but the little brothers in New Zealand are mean and have a stitch that gives a terrible itchy spot, we found out…brrrr! But you will allready found it out for yourself haha. We don’t know them in Holland, but in Norway we met them too!
        So, about the photographs…. i’ve tried to sent you some of the dutch landscape but……it didn’t work out. Tonight we’ll give it another try and for sure my husband will fix it :-). You will see them come in!
        Normally the work on the farm goes on every day, but is the ascension day a free day for you both? If the answer is yes…..Enjoy that day and otherwise enjoy it too, that must be no problem in that surrounding!
        All the best!


  3. 10,000 acres sounds like a lot of daily driving…unless you have cameras hooked into your computer .. My partner was a weekend farmer part-time with only 100 acres and some cattle, pigs, chickens. He had a full-time job in the city.

    It was enough work.

    Do you ever get lost on the farm ..at night?


    • Hahah it takes us three hours (on a good day) to check every trough on the place. It’s a big job. We don’t normally go around the farm at night, but I can say I know this place like the back of my hand! Weekend farming would also be so rewarding…Thanks for commenting! Hope to see you around!


      • Wow, 3 hrs. I remember walking around at night with dearie on his farm. And feeling very lost because it was pitch black…no streetlights. 🙂

        Don’t fall into the trough at night. 🙂


  4. What a neat site! And I love the name. You are very brave to move to such a rural area. But… Where are you originally from? Is that where you moved from? I love the photos! Hope to visit Australia someday myself. Congrats on being freshly pressed!


    • Hi Jessica, I moved to Australia from Canada (I have previously lived in the Canadian Rockies, Toronto, and Niagara Falls Region). We first set up in Melbourne, but have been living in rural Western Australia for nearly 2 years. It’s been an amazing experience for us…and We were just saying how our time together here has been the happiest for us in our 3 years together. Which can only mean it’s getting better! I love the name too! I’m glad you like it! Australia awaits you…


  5. Hi Holly, I mentioned you and your blog in my latest post. It started with Amber from The Usual Bliss and then The Liebster Blog Award was passed on to me from Katie at Brave Juice. You certainly do not have to participate, but I just wanted to honor your blog with this little mention.

    If you would like to participate, you just share a post with some interesting tidbits about yourself and pass the award on to a few blogs you love.



  6. hey hollie!
    so exciting to find another ag/rural blogger! i really hope you’ll consider writing some pieces for ausagventures.com 😀



    • Hi Hollie
      Anything ag or rural related, just like the post I reblogged 🙂

      You can see some examples on the website, please excuse my brevity I just arrived in LA 🙂


  7. Hi Steph,

    Thanks for the offer but I’d rather just keep my writing on my blog. I am sure you’ll find plenty of people to fill the content on the site!

    Good luck!

    – Holly


  8. Thanks for commenting over at “Indigo’s Ravens!” I’m so glad you did…I’m loving your blog with your photography! I spent about a year in Australia about 9 years ago…never got to Western Australia, but fell in love with Melbourne. Next visit I’m heading to Western Australia… looking forward to reading more of your stories and admiring your photography!


    • Thanks for taking a look here Sara! I’m just as curious to see what the Indigo Ravens get up to! I’m so jealous of your trip to the far Northern reaches of Canada (it’s on my bucket list). Melbourne is a great city for urban living…I hope you get to see WA, is special and reveals itself in a less obvious way. I find it truly amazing…the flora and fauna in particular. Thanks for following along!


  9. Pingback: Why changing countries can be such a challenge | Broadside

  10. Hi Holly
    Thanks for following. I’m a happy camper now you are joining me as I trip around by RV, plane, car and time machine to the past.
    Comments, compliments, critiques and wisecracks are most welcome.
    You have a great blog. “See” you again soon.
    Which Way Now 101 aka Carol


  11. Hi holly! All your photos in the city turned out really well 🙂
    You took a few pictures of me and my friend holly on that day and I was wondering how I could grab a copy of them?
    Thanks!! Kennedy 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Holly, Thanks for visiting wingdbeauty.com. Reading your ‘About’ made me consider how much beauty you have seen and enjoyed over these years. Others might be overloaded by what you have experience. You have a very healthy ability to continue to enjoy all that you encounter, and best of all, Share with those ready to savor the world.


  13. Pingback: The healing power of forest bathing – Broadside

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